Op Shop Talk: Meet Ashley Hanley - a Fabulous Friend of the Op Shop!

Op Shop Talk: Meet Ashley Hanley - a Fabulous Friend of the Op Shop!

OP Shop Talk: Ashley Hanley

Ashley Hanley is a full-service interior design firm based in Richmond, Virginia. Since launching her firm in 2017, Ashley's projects have become recognized for a creative mix of new and old that embrace a collected and layered look. She loves simple yet powerful pairings - a perfect match for the Opportunity Shop!

What is your favorite décor consignment purchase? 

It would have to be a tie for a pair of Christopher Spitzmiller gourd lamps or a Vaughan Lighting antique brass lantern. I saw both at a local Richmond consignment shop and grabbed them immediately even though at the time, I did not have a home for them in my house. But, with such incredible prices and knowing the high-quality items that they are, I knew that I would eventually find the perfect spot for them in my house. 


Types of items you look for in consignment shop?

It depends on what I'm on the hunt for, but I always look for quality pieces that have minimal wear. 


What should someone look for when interested in buying consigned home décor?

My number one rule when shopping second hand, is buy what you love or what you consistently gravitate towards. 


How did you discover the Op Shop?

Years ago while shopping in Georgetown with my cousins. 


How did you first become interested in consignment shopping?

While I do enjoy sourcing new custom pieces for my clients, I think that it is so important to continue recycling furniture. Often times, I  am incorporating pieces from consignment shops to mix in with the new furnishings and/or consigning pieces that we will no longer be using in the client's home. 


What is your favorite fashion consignment purchase?

clip on classic gold earrings 


How would you describe your fashion style?

classic and colorful  


How would you describe your home décor style?

classic, collected and not too decorated.  


What are your consignment shopping instore tips?

Take your time browsing. I usually do a quick lap and then go back to  pick up and look at items in closer detail. Inspect items thoroughly for imperfections and check for tags to see if there are any additional clues for where items were made. If you can't find any other details, always ask the sales associates for help, as they usually are very knowledgeable about what items are in the shop. 


What are your consignment shopping online tips?

For hunting online, search by category, as it can be overwhelming to look at an entire inventory. Save your favorites and use the internet to your favor by searching to gain additional information about items. You will see that most consignment shops have priced items very comparatively or favorably.


What fashion and décor trends do you consider timeless?

I'm not really one to hop on trends for fashion and for the home. I gravitate towards classic pieces that are vintage or inspired by the past. 


How would you spend your ideal DC day?

I am not local, but I am frequently in the DC area for design projects. If I am staying overnight, I love a morning run through Capitol Hill or Downtown to enjoy all of the architecture and beautiful government buildings. A large coffee to start the day before heading to the DC Design Center and then to Georgetown to visit with Evans & Sheldon so that I can source new fabrics, wallpapers, etc. for projects. Lunch at Brasserie Liberte followed by shopping at the Opportunity Shop and other antique shops in Georgetown would complete my ideal DC day before heading back to Richmond. 

Photo courtesy of Kip Dawkins Photography

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